Organic Rose Gardening

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Roses captivated peoples’ hearts centuries ago and there is evidence of the presence and cultivation of roses back in ancient China and the Roman Empire. Literary and art works throughout the centuries are full of mentions of the rose. In the very beginning the rose was grown naturally. No pesticides or chemicals were available and the only way was organic growing. It is a fact that even with no chemicals, the gardening was successful. Every environmentalist or just anyone that is concerned about nature and preserving it, knows that the best way to grow roses is organic gardening. Using harmful chemicals which kill insects can be a benefit for the flower, but it brings no benefits to environment. Using biodegradable elements for fertilizing your rose garden is a much better way. You get good results and you are making sure you are not harming nature or your health. If you don’t know why non-organic gardening is bad, here are some of the bad effects to consider:

1. When you use harmful chemicals such as chemical fertilizers, herbicides and other manmade pesticides you cause destruction of creatures that are beneficial for the soil, as well as all sorts of living elements.

2. Interfering in the cycle of “give and take” has a proven bad effect. Soil has its own natural cycle in order to help the roses grow. If you kill the good bacteria, which are protecting the roses’ roots, the soil gets invaded by fungi, which are destructive and infectious to the roses.  

3. One of your biggest concerns when utilizing non-organic methods for gardening should be that it is hazardous to your health. Some of the chemical fertilizers and pesticides don’t just harm the soil, but they can also be a threat to human health. When you inhale such elements regularly, they can trigger breathing problems, such as asthma. On the other hand, organic gardening of roses causes no such harm. When you use pesticides you need protective gear.

If you wish to put an end to this harmful and ugly cycle, learn the basics of organic rose planting and you will have great results and peace of mind. Here is how to get started:

1. When you start utilizing the organic ways of gardening with roses, you will have to provide some assistance to the soil. First of all, mulch the garden area. Add some grass clippings, dried leaves, animal waste, fruit peels and fish heads and leave this pile to decompose for a while. You need to wait until it’s ready to be used for planting the roses. Turn the area regularly, in order to maintain a consistent level of decay.

2. The process of organic rose gardening continues by avoiding the use of pest control and pesticides bought from stores. When you don’t use chemicals for pest control, you allow ladybugs and wasps to live in the garden – these are some of the insects that are beneficial for the roses, as they eliminate any harmful rose invaders. Only use non-toxic and organic pesticides in case the pest attacks are too persistent.

The facts are that choosing organic over non-organic rose gardening will bring benefits to both humans and nature. If you know how to properly plant roses the organic way, you will be calm that you are not harming the environment. You can rest assured that you will still be able to produce perfect results, despite not using chemicals. You don’t need harmful pesticides to help you grow great roses. This is the perfect way to go green and not risk anything.